
Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

 The conference will take place at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Adress: Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8,  Novi Sad. The Faculty of Agriculture was founded in 1954 and is one of the oldest at the University of Novi Sad, carries out its mission in three interrelated groups of activity: higher education, scientific research, and knowledge application in the field of economy.

Novi Sad, Serbia

 Novi Sad is the second largest city in Serbia, an open and tolerant city with friendly people who are proud of their cultural diversity. Since 2000, Novi Sad has been a hometown to „Exit“, one of the biggest music summer festivals in Europe. Because of its great interest towards art and culture life in Serbia, the European Union named Novi Sad the European Capital of Culture 2022.