Guide for abstracts
All abstracts are written in English, in Microsoft Word for Windows, font Times New Roman, size 12 points. Use single spacing with justified alignment. Abstracts should contain the aim of the paper, the material and the method of the study, essential research results and a brief conclusion. The authors are advised not to make Abstract too short (1500 characters, including spaces) or too general. Not more than five keywords should be given, separated by commas. Please do not include tables, figures, and references.
Margins: 3.0 cm left, 2.5 cm top, bottom and right.
The title should be brief and precise, written in uppercase and bolded, size 14 points.
Authors (full names and surnames of all authors) should be written in uppercase, size 12 points.
The authors' address should be in lowercase, italic, size 11 points. The e-mail address should be given only for the corresponding person.
For writing an abstract please use a template, submit your abstract as MS Word file and please name it "Lastname_ISAS2023". Abstracts should be submitted before the deadline (June 30) in electronic form as attached files to the e-mail address:
Abstract which are not written according to the technical instruction will be returned to the authors. Reviewers will be advised to reject abstracts that do not contain data, since it is very difficult to evaluate the suitability of these abstracts for presentation. The decision on acceptance/rejection by the scientific committee is final. Papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers from relevant fields. Referees will decide whether abstracts are accepted (with amendments, if necessary) or not accepted and, if accepted, whether they should be oral papers or posters. They will also assign oral papers to the most appropriate sessions for the symposium.
Please note: paid registration fees does not imply the publication of paper that is not passed the peer review. Only accepted abstracts and papers with paid registration fees can be presented at the Symposium and published in the Proceedings. One paid registration fee includes a maximum of two papers.