Animal Feed Mycotoxin Free?

Monday, 18.09.2023. 10:30 - 11:30, Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad,  Amphitheater /
Ponedjeljak, 18.09.2023. 10:30 - 11:30, Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad, Amfiteatar

Entry is free / Ulaz je slobodan


Dr Igor Jajić,  professor

Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad .

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Robert Čepela,
Patent co,  Quality & EHS Manager.

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Robert Cepela, Bachelor of Technology - Master, Materials Engineering. After finishing his studies, he started to deal with the production of animal feed and medicines for use in veterinary medicine in the company Fishcorp 2000. After a year spent in production, changing his job in the company FM Pharm, Subotica took the position of the head of the laboratory and control the quality of products intended for veterinary medicine, which is the primary activity of the company.

In December 2011, he moved to one of the leading companies in the field of animal feed and veterinary medicine production, "Veterinarski zavod", Subotica. He remains in the position of head of the quality control center until he leaves for PATENT CO. DOO, Mišićevo, where it is currently located. With the support of the top management, from the position of quality manager, he participates in the formation of a modern quality control laboratory, by acquiring sophisticated equipment for determining the content of mycotoxins, a technical chromatograph with mass detection LC/MSMS KKK, and since then, an intense interest in the topic of the presence of mycotoxins in plant-based foods, and indirect in products of animal origin (milk, meat...).

The company Patent Co., in addition to animal feed and premixes, is a leader in the production of mycotoxin binders known as MINAZEL, and MINAZEL PLUS, now the third generation MICORAID, therefore the field of interest is growing. In the company, the R&D team is developing in parallel, over which I have dual responsibility together with my colleague Jog Raj, a doctor of science in this field, stationed in Bristol, UK. Due to the need for constant monitoring and prevention of possible negative consequences due to the appearance of mycotoxins, this company monitors the raw materials used in our production every year. The first pioneering steps were in 2016/2017 with the monitoring of corn in the region, in order to extend monitoring to the three most important crops (barley, wheat and corn) this year, both in the region and globally, observing the entire planet. Through cooperation with distributors and buyers from all continents, cereal samples arrive, which the team of this company processes, analyzes and publishes the obtained results at all world-renowned seminars.

Currently, in addition to the four basic mycotoxins regulated by the rulebook, they are able to analyze over 25 mycotoxins and their metabolites, and thus contribute to better support for clients, collaborators, and end users of additives.

 Nataša Stupar
Effecta feed, Novi Sad, Sale Manager

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 Ljubomir Marić
De Heus, manager

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At De Heus, we contribute to the sustainable availability and affordability of safe and healthy food for people around the world by providing our customers with quality animal feed and farm management support.

By controlling raw materials in accordance with our strict specifications, as a basic rule, we ensure the production of safe animal feed, concentrates and premixes.

However, in case of increased risk of contamination with mycotoxins, we consider the use of adsorbents as part of the overall nutrition strategy. The De Heus concept effectively deals with a wide range of mycotoxins: bio-transforming enzymes, strongly binding yeast cell wall product and bentonite clay form an efficient line of defense against mycotoxins such as fumonisin, zearalenone, ochratoxin, deoxynivalenol and aflatoxin in poultry, pig and ruminant feed . For optimal protection, the use of smart combinations of active ingredients is key. In this way, in accordance with the real situation on the farm, the most cost-effective and efficient solution is applied at the same time with the aim of minimizing risk and damage to animals, while maintaining optimal technical results and ensuring safe products of animal origin.

 Šandor Morvai,
Farmer from Temerin

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 Sandor Morvai is an agricultural producer from Temerin who has a decades-long tradition of dairy cattle breeding on his farm. Sandor is the fifth generation engaged in this business, and the main task of his farm is milk production. Three families are involved in the business, Sandor, his brother, mother and grandmother, but actually everyone participates equally - from the oldest to the youngest family member. In total, they breed 100 Holstein cows, and that number includes milking cows, calves and heifers.

They do not process the milk, but exclusively hand it over to the buyer, a large company. Annually, the entire Morvai family produces between 250,000 and 300,000 liters of milk.

Like other farmers, the previous year was extremely difficult for him, because due to the drought, they did not have enough food for their cattle, and the food that was available was of poor quality. Also, the situation was not good in terms of the purchase price of milk.

On about 100 hectares of land, the Marwais grow clover, alfalfa, wheat, rye, soybeans, corn, and almost all agricultural production is directed to the needs of feeding cows, and a big risk for its production is feedstuffs that have a problem with mycotoxins. Therefore, this topic is one of the most important for him.

 Šandor Morvai je poljooprivredni proizvođač iz Temerina koji na svom gazdinstvu ima decenijama unazad tradiciju u mlečnom govedarstvom. Šandor je peta generacija koja se bavi ovim poslom, a glavni zadatak njegovog gazdinstva je proizvodnja mleka. U posao su uključene tri porodice, Šandor, njegov brat, majka i baka, ali zapravo svi učestvuju ravnopravno - od najstarijeg do najmlađeg člana porodice. Sveukupno uzgajaju 100 krava rase holštajn, a u taj broj ubrajaju se kako muzna grla, tako i telad i junice.

Mleko ne prerađuju, već isključivo predaju otkupljivaču, velikoj kompaniji. Na godišnjem nivou, čitava porodica Morvai proizvede između 250.000 i 300.000 litara mleka.

Kao i drugim poljoprivrednicima, njemu je prethodna godina bila izuzetno teška, jer zbog suše nije imali dovoljno hrane za stoku, a hrana koja je bila na raspolaganju bila je lošeg kvaliteta. Takođe, situacija nije bila dobra ni u pogledu otkupne cene mleka. 

Marvai na oko 100 hektara zemlje uzgajaju detelinu lucerku, pšenicu, raž, soju, kukuruz i gotovo celu ratarsku proizvodnju usmeravaju za potrebe ishrane krava, i veliki rizik za njegovu proizvodnju predstavljaju hraniva kod kojih se javlja problem sa miko toksinima. Stoga je ova tema za njega jedna od važnijih.

Animal Feed Mycotoxin Free?

Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by certain fungi (molds) that can contaminate crops and feed ingredients. These molds thrive in warm and humid conditions and can grow on a variety of agricultural commodities. Types of Mycotoxins: There are several types of mycotoxins that commonly contaminate animal feed, including aflatoxins, ochratoxins, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisins, and many more. Each type of mycotoxin has different health implications for animals.

It's important for animal producers, veterinarians, and feed industry professionals to be aware of the risks associated with mycotoxins and take appropriate measures to minimize their impact on animal health and productivity. Regular monitoring, preventive practices, and quality control are essential in managing mycotoxin contamination in animal feed.

Hrana za životinje bez mikotoksina

Mikotoksini su toksična jedinjenja koja proizvode određene gljive (plesni) koje mogu da kontaminiraju useve i sastojke hrane. Ove plesni uspevaju u toplim i vlažnim uslovima i mogu da rastu na raznim poljoprivrednim proizvodima. Vrste mikotoksina: Postoji nekoliko tipova mikotoksina koji obično kontaminiraju stočnu hranu, uključujući aflatoksine, ohratoksine, zearalenon, deoksinivalenol (DON), fumonizine i mnoge druge. Svaka vrsta mikotoksina ima različite zdravstvene implikacije za životinje.

Važno je da proizvođači životinja, veterinari i profesionalci u industriji stočne hrane budu svesni rizika povezanih sa mikotoksinima i da preduzmu odgovarajuće mere kako bi minimizirali njihov uticaj na zdravlje i produktivnost životinja. Redovno praćenje, preventivne prakse i kontrola kvaliteta su od suštinskog značaja za upravljanje kontaminacijom mikotoksina u stočnoj hrani.