Cultured meat?
Veštačko meso?

Tuesday, 19.09.2023. 12:00 - 13:00, Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad,  Amphitheater /
Utorak, 19.09.2023. 12:00 - 13:00, Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad, Amfiteatar

Entry is free, registration is required
Ulaz je slobodan, registracija je neophodna


Dr Denis Kučević,  professor
Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad .

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Dr. Denis Kučević, associate professor. University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. for animal husbandry

Scientific research activities and areas of professional engagement of prof. Kučević are directed in several directions, namely: 

Dr Denis Kučević, red.profesor. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Dep. za stočarstvo

Naučno-istraživačke aktivnosti i oblasti stručnog angažovanja prof. Kučevića usmerene su u nekoliko pravaca, i to: 


Dr Branislav Šojić,  assistant professor
Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad.

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Dr. Branislav Šojić's scientific research activities and areas of professional involvement are directed in several directions, namely: 

Naučno-istraživačke aktivnosti i oblasti stručnog angažovanja dr Branislava Šojića usmerene su u nekoliko pravaca, i to: 

Dr Ivana Gađanski,  senior research associate
BioSense Institute, Novi Sad.

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Ivana Gadjanski, PhD, senior research associate. University of Novi Sad - Biosens Institute, Center for Biosystems - Group for Biomolecular Engineering and Cellular Agriculture.

Dr. Gadjanski's scientific-research activities and areas of professional engagement are directed in several directions, namely: 

Dr Ivana Gadjanski, viši naučni saradnik. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu – Institut Biosens, Centar za biosisteme – grupa za biomolekularno inženjerstvo i ćelijsku poljoprivredu

Naučno-istraživačke aktivnosti i oblasti stručnog angažovanja dr Gadjanski usmerene su u nekoliko pravaca, i to:

Tamara Penjić,  
CARNEX Executive director;  President of food & agriculture alliance of  NALED.

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Graduate technology engineer, Food Microbiology Specialist, Executive Director of the Meat Industry, Carnex, Vrbas, President of the Association for the Development of the Quality of Meat and Meat Products.

The areas of professional engagement of Tamara Penjić are directed in several directions, namely: 

Diplomirani inženjer tehnologije, Specijalista mikrobiologije hrane, Izvršni direktor Industrije mesa, Carnex, Vrbas, Predsednica Asocijacije za razvoj kvaliteta mesa i proizvoda od mesa.

Oblasti stručnog angažovanja Tamare Penjić usmerene su u nekoliko pravaca, i to: 

Msc Milo Mujović,  
Director of production, Gombit  meat industry

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Milo Mujović, master engineer of food technology, director of production. Gombit doo, meat industry, Inđija, Serbia

Milo Mujović's scientific research activities and areas of professional engagement are directed in several directions, namely: 

Mast. inž. preh. teh.  Milo Mujović, direktor proizvodnje. Gombit doo, industrija mesa, Inđija.

Naučno-istraživačke aktivnosti i oblasti stručnog angažovanja Mila Mujovića usmerene su u nekoliko pravaca, i to:

Prof. dr Vladan Pešić,  
Faculty of Agruculture, Belgrade 

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Is cultured meat an alternative of the future or conquering the market with a new product?

The United Nations estimates that there will be 9.8 billion people in the world by 2050. Population growth and the improvement of population nutrition in developing countries are the reason for the expected increase in demand for food (for human and livestock nutrition) of 70% by the middle of the 21st century. As a result, there is a constant need for increasingly pronounced intensification of conventional livestock production systems. On the other hand, one of the effects of economic development is the formation of specific and, very often, influential consumer and other groups that demand that, without exception, stricter requirements regarding environmental protection, animal welfare and food safety are observed in livestock production. Due to its intensity, conventional livestock production systems are today labeled as one of the main sources of environmental pollution and as one of the main emitters of greenhouse gases. All in all, animal husbandry today very often has a very negative environmental narrative.

Will global climate change affect people's diet in the future? What is true about the source of greenhouse gases and meat production? How is artificial meat made? Will alternative protein sources have to be introduced by introducing artificial meat? Can artificial meat be called "meat"? What consumer reaction can be expected? Will there be changes in food prices on the market?

In addition to the above, this panel aims to try to answer some of the so-called "hot topic" questions regarding animal husbandry and the environment, such as: what is the actual impact of animal husbandry on the environment with reference to Serbia? What impacts of livestock production on the environment stand out as the most important? What is the connection between climate change and livestock production? What do farmers think about climate change? What are we to do?"

To these and many other questions, through well thought-out panel discussions, eminent experts from the Faculties of Agriculture and Technology, Institutes, meat industries and food producers, will give answers from the point of view of the profession to the media and the general public, through direct immediate communication and discussion. to all doubts and presented the current situation with potential scenarios in the future. What is certain, the market of agricultural and food products will change drastically and will synergistically affect economic trends and other economic flows.

Da li je veštačko meso alternativa budućnosti ili osvajanje tržišta novim proizvodom?

Ujedinjene nacije procenjuju da će na svetu do 2050. živeti 9,8 milijardi ljudi. Rast populacije i unapređenje ishrane stanovništva u zemljama u razvoju razlog su za očekivani porast potražnje za hranom (za ishranu ljudi i stoke) od 70% do sredine 21. veka. To za posledicu ima stalnu potrebu za sve izraženijim intenziviranjem konvencionalnih sistema stočarske proizvodnje. Sa druge strane, jedan od efekata ekonomskog razvoja jeste i formiranje specifičnih i, vrlo često, uticajnih potrošačkih i drugih grupa koje zahtevaju da se u stočarskoj proizvodnji poštuju, bez izuzetka, sve strožiji zahtevi u pogledu očuvanja životne sredine, dobrobiti životinja i bezbednosti hrane. 

Zbog  svog intenziteta, konvencionalni sistemi stočarske proizvodnje danas su označeni kao jedan od glavnih izvora zagađenja životne sredine i kao jedan od glavnih emitera gasova sa efektom staklene bašte. Sve u svemu, stočarstvo danas vrlo često ima veoma negativan ekološki narativ. Da li će globalne klimatske promene u budućnosti uticati na promenu načina ishrane ljudi? Šta je istina u vezi sa izvorom gasova sa efektima staklene baste i proizvodnjom mesa? Kako se pravi veštačko meso? Da li će morati da se uvedu alternativni izvori proteina uvođenjem veštačkog mesa? Da li veštačko meso sme da nosi naziv „mesa“? Kakva se reakcija potrošača može očekivati? Da li će doći do promena cena hrane na tržištu? 

Pored navedenog, ovaj panel ima za cilj da pokuša da da odgovore na neka od tzv. “hot topic” pitanja u vezi stočarstva i zivotne sredine, kao sto su: koliki je zapravo uticaj stočarstva na životnu sredinu sa osvrtom na Srbiju? Koji se uticaji stočarske proizvodnje na životnu sredinu izdvajaju kao najvažniji? Kakva je veza između klimatskih promena i stočarske proizvodnje? Kakvo je mišljenje farmera o klimatskim promenama? Šta nam je činiti?” 

Na ova ali i mnoga druga pitanja, kroz dobro osmišljene panel-diskusije, eminentni stručnjaci sa Poljoprivrednih i Tehnološklih fakulteta, Instituta, mesnih insutrija i proizvođača hrane, će iz ugla struke argumentovano medijima i široj javnosti, kroz direktnu neposrednu komunikaciju i diskusiju, dati odgovore na sve nedoumice i predstavili aktuelnu situaciju sa potencijalnim scenarijima u budućnosti. Ono što je sigurno, tržište poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda će se drastično promeniti i sinergično će uticaće na privredna kretanja i druge ekonomske tokove.