The impact of animal production on the environment - aspects of pasture animal husbandry, environmental preservation and biodiversity.

Uticaj animalne proizvodnje na životnu sredinu – aspekti pašnjačkog stočarenja, očuvanja životne sredine i biodiverziteta.

Monday, 18.09.2023. 16:00 - 17:00, Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad,  Amphitheater

Ponedjeljak, 18.09.2023. 16:00 - 17:00, Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad, Amfiteatar


Dr Vladan Bogdanović,  professor
Faculty of Agriculture Zemun- Belgrade.

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Dr. Vladan Bogdanović, full professor. University of Belgrade - Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Zootechnic

Prof. Bogdanović's scientific research activities and areas of professional involvement are directed in several directions, namely: 

Dr Vladan Bogdanović, red.profesor. Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Institut za zootehniku

Naučno-istraživačke aktivnosti i oblasti stručnog angažovanja prof. Bogdanovića usmerene su u nekoliko pravaca: 


Dr Dubravka Milić,  professor
Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad.

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Dr. Dubravka Milić is a full professor at the Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad. The focus of the scientific engagement of prof. Dr. Dubravka Milić is in the field of conservation biology of ecosystems and species. 

A special part of her work is aimed at studying the influence of different habitat management measures (mowing and grazing), as well as climatic and soil parameters on biodiversity, with special reference to plant species and endangered habitats (grassland, riparian, water and salt marsh), which apart from have national and international significance.

Dr Dubravka Milić je redovan profesor na Departmanu za biologiju i ekologiju, PMF, Uiverzitet u Novom Sadu. Fokus naučnog angažovanja prof. dr Dubravka Milić je oblast konzervacione biologije ekosistema i vrsta. 

Poseban deo njenog rada usmeren je u pravcu izučavanja uticaja različitih mera upravljanja staništa (košenje i ispaša), kao i klimatskih i zemljišnjih parametara na biodiverzitet, sa posebnim osvrtom na biljne vrste i ugrožena staništa (travna, riparijalna, vodena i slatinska), koja osim nacionalnog imaju i međunarodni značaj.

Dr Milica Rat,  research associate
Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad.

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Dr. Milica Rat is a research associate at the Department of Biology and Ecology, PMF, University of Novi Sad. He is the manager of the University Scientific Botanical Collection Herbarium BUNS. She obtained her doctorate in the field of Biological Sciences, the narrower scientific field of Botany. In her scientific work, she is focused on the study of the diversity of the flora of Serbia, with special reference to the flora of the Pannonian region, its origin (indigenous species and invasive foreign species) and threats. As the manager of the herbarium, he studies and revises the old botanical collections of Serbia (18th and 19th centuries).

Dr Milica Rat je naučni saradnik na Departmanu za biologiju i ekologiju, PMF, Uiverzitet u Novom Sadu. Rukovodilac je Univerzitetske naučne botaničke kolekcije Herbarijum BUNS. Doktorsku titulu je stekla u oblasti Bioloških nauka, uža naučna oblast Botanika. U naučnom radu usmerena je na proučavanje divereziteta flore Srbije, sa posebnim osvrtom na floru Panonske nizije, njeno poreklo (autohtone vrste i invazivne strane vrste) i ugroženost. Kao rukovodilac herbarijuma proučava i revidira stare botaniče kolekcije Srbije (18. i 19. vek).

Dr Ljiljana Samolovac,  senior research associate
Institute  for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade

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Dr. Ljiljana Samolovac, senior research associate at the Institute of Animal Husbandry, Belgrade - Zemun.

Ljiljana Samolovac is a doctor of biotechnical sciences, branch of agriculture, scientific discipline of animal husbandry, narrower scientific discipline of cattle breeding. The areas of Dr. Ljiljana Samolovac's scientific work are: genetics and breeding cattle, welfare of cattle, production technology in dairy and fattening cattle, animal hygiene and health care of cattle. In recent years, the focus of Dr. Ljiljana Samolovac's scientific work is the impact of climate change on cattle production.

Dr Ljiljana Samolovac,  viši naučni saradnik na Institutu za stočarstvo, Beograd 

Ljiljana Samolovac je doktor biotehničkih nauka, grana poljoprivreda, naučna disciplina stočarstvo, uža naučna disciplina govedarstvo. Oblasti naučnog rada dr Ljiljane Samolovac su: genetika i oplemenjivane goveda, dobrobit goveda, tehnologija proizvodnje u mlečnom i tovnom govedarstvu, zoohigijena i zdravstvena zaštita goveda. Poslednjih godina fokus naučnog rada dr Ljiljane Samolovac je uticaj klimatskih promena na govedarsku proizvodnju.

The impact of animal production on the environment - aspects of pasture animal husbandry, environmental preservation and biodiversity.

Due to its intensity, conventional livestock production systems are today labeled as one of the main sources of environmental pollution and as one of the main emitters of greenhouse gases. All in all, animal husbandry today very often has a very negative environmental narrative. PNEL aims to try to answer some of the so-called "hot topic" questions regarding animal husbandry and the environment, such as: what is the actual impact of animal husbandry on the environment with reference to Serbia? What impacts of livestock production on the environment stand out as the most important? What is the connection between climate change and livestock production? The importance of the presence of livestock on the preservation of natural habitats, the vitality of the existing vegetation, etc.? What do farmers think about climate change? What should we do?

On these and many other questions, through well-designed panel discussions, eminent experts from Agricultural, Technological, Natural and Mathematical and other faculties, Institutes, meat industries and food manufacturers, will argue from the point of view of the profession to the media and the general public, through direct and immediate communication and discussion, provide answers to all doubts and present the current situation with potential scenarios in the future.

Uticaj animalne proizvodnje na životnu sredinu – aspekti pašnjačkog stočarenja, očuvanja životne sredine i biodiverziteta.

Zbog  svog intenziteta, konvencionalni sistemi stočarske proizvodnje danas su označeni kao jedan od glavnih izvora zagađenja životne sredine i kao jedan od glavnih emitera gasova sa efektom staklene bašte. Sve u svemu, stočarstvo danas vrlo često ima veoma negativan ekološki narativ. Pnel ima za cilj da pokuša da da odgovore na neka od tzv. “hot topic” pitanja u vezi stočarstva i životne sredine, kao sto su: koliki je zapravo uticaj stočarstva na životnu sredinu sa osvrtom na Srbiju? Koji se uticaji stočarske proizvodnje na životnu sredinu izdvajaju kao najvažniji? Kakva je veza između klimatskih promena i stočarske proizvodnje? Značaj prisustva stoke na očuvanje  prirodnih staništa, vitalnosti prisutne vegetacije i drugo.? Kakvo je mišljenje farmera o klimatskim promenama? Šta nam je činiti? Na ova ali i mnoga druga pitanja, kroz dobro osmišljene panel-diskusije, eminentni stručnjaci sa Poljoprivrednih, Tehnološklih, Prirodno matematičkih i drugih fakulteta, Instituta, mesnih insutrija i proizvođača hrane, će iz ugla struke argumentovano medijima i široj javnosti, kroz direktnu neposrednu komunikaciju i diskusiju, dati odgovore na sve nedoumice i predstavili aktuelnu situaciju sa potencijalnim scenarijima u budućnosti.